United Mustangs of America is a Horsemanship School in Arroyo Grande, CA

My name is Monica O. Krause and I run United Mustangs of America, a professional horseback riding school located in Arroyo Grande, CA. I have 30 years of experience with horses and have been in this business for seven years. The goal of United Mustangs of America is to rescue wild mustangs who are being relocated from their homes on federal lands and help them transition into life with humans. By rescuing one horse at a time, students can be a part of the taming process; and once a dedicated buyer is found, another mustang is rescued to begin the process all over again.

Over 47,000 wild horses are waiting for adoption from BLM holding corrals in 10 western states. United Mustangs of America seeks to do its part to create homes for these mustangs, while offering education and training for enthusiasts. I strongly believe that learning how to train these wild horses makes for an amazing horseman, and United Mustangs of America’s membership programs offers you the opportunity to be a part of this incredible experience with me.

I offer the following:

  • Horsemanship lessons (private and group)
  • Horse handling
  • Horseback riding lessons
  • Horse education
  • Trail riding
  • and more

Please note: when I take my clients trail riding, I require that at least four horsemanship lessons be completed at my facility. These trail riding sessions are private, 1-on-1 sessions with an individual student. I offer comprehensive membership plans that bundle trail riding sessions with the required four group lessons, as well as membership packages without trail riding. All memberships provide you with exclusive access to club activities as well as “End of the Year Celebration” contests.

Working with these wild horses is a great way to help rescue them from holding facilities and find them good homes and is truly empowering for the students who get to assist in their transitions. It is my hope that we will continue to be able to rescue more and more mustangs and provide people with the necessary education.

For more information about classes and events, please contact me at United Mustangs of America today!

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