Our Missions

Mission 1: Giving Horses a Good Home

At United Mustangs of America, our horses are more than just companions—they are our teachers. Each horse in our care plays an essential role in educating the next generation of skilled horsemen. They help our students develop a deep understanding of horse handling science, gaining valuable skills that can be used both inside and outside our school.

A Sustainable Forever Home

Our commitment to the horses goes beyond just their role in our programs. We believe that every horse deserves a sustainable, lifelong home, and we work tirelessly to ensure that our herd receives the highest level of care. They are not simply used for teaching; they are cherished members of our community. Through thoughtful care, proper nutrition, medical attention, and daily enrichment, we aim to give our horses a forever home at United Mustangs of America, where they can thrive throughout their lives.

Support Their Journey

By supporting our school, you help us maintain this vision. Every donation goes directly toward ensuring that our horses are cared for to the best of our ability—whether it’s providing quality feed, veterinary care, or the best equipment to keep them happy and healthy. Your contribution ensures that they can continue teaching future horsemen while enjoying a peaceful, fulfilling life here with us.

Mission 2: Educating Horsemen to Help More Horses

At United Mustangs of America, we don’t see our role as simply rescuing and training horses for adoption. Instead, we believe in a greater mission: creating skilled horsemen who can help any horse they encounter. We are not a factory for producing trained horses; we are a community that produces knowledgeable, confident horsemen.

Our program focuses on empowering the average person—those who may have always loved horses but never knew how to handle them on their own. We equip our students with the skills and mindset needed to trust in their own ability to develop, train, and care for horses. Rather than searching for a trainer to “fix” a horse, our students embrace the opportunity to become the trainer themselves.

A Shift in Mindset

We envision a world where the goal isn’t just producing trained horses but producing qualified horsemen. Horsemen who:

  • Feel confident enough to step in and help any horse they meet.
  • Seek self-discovery and personal development through their journey with horses.
  • Embrace the challenge of training and caring for horses themselves, rather than relying solely on others.

This shift has a greater long-term impact. When we help people become better horsemen, they can affect the lives of countless horses—not just the one they adopt or rescue. They become a lifelong resource for horses, capable of providing the homes and care these animals deserve.

A Greater Impact

Our approach extends far beyond the walls of our school. Every student who graduates from our programs is equipped to help more than just one horse. They carry the knowledge and confidence to make a meaningful difference in the horse community, ensuring that more horses find competent, caring homes.

By focusing on educating the horsemen rather than simply training horses, we believe we can create lasting change for horses everywhere.